Tuesday, September 27, 2011

Get Free SMS Alerts for New emails on Gmail,Hotmail,Yahoo .....


SMS configurations

Step 1 : Register a account for free SMS service like site2sms.Then log into your Dashboard after verifying your account.
Step 2 :  Here at the top you will notice a new option called Email2sms alerts in your Dashboard.Click the link and it will take you to its settings page.
Step 3 : In the settings page , Activate the service and then check the preferred time and days for receiving the alerts. You can even block some email id s from not receiving  the alerts.
Step 4 :  Note down your unique site2sms email id “eg:123456789@site2sms.com”, and next configure your email for the Alerts.
 Step 1 : Log into your email id and click on the Settings and then click on ‘FORWARDING/POP/IMAP’ option.
get sms alerts when you receice emails
get sms alerts when you receice emails
Step 2 : Click on the incoming mail forwarding option and enter in your site2sms email id there.

get sms alerts when you receice emails
Step 3 : Confirm your forwarding option by logging into your site2sms email and clicking on the confirmation message in the inbox from for eg:Gmail . And then copy the verification code sent by Gmail to your Mobile phone onto the verification box, and you are ready to go with your free SMS alerts for your incoming email.
get sms alerts when you receice emails
get sms alerts when you receice emails

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