Monday, February 14, 2011

[Tip]Know the creation date of your Gmail even if first message is deleted

Gmail account creation date is very much significant related to security issues as if you forget your password as well as security questions then these informations are used to give back your account to you. Previously there was a methodavailable on the net but if in case you have deleted the first e-mail sent by the gmail team [like me] then there was apperently no other process to find your email. Well not actually! There is still a hope for uswink
I was configuring my email [given to me by kaushik] to forward all the email to my regularly used Gmail, when I found this trick. As I have previously deleted the first message sent by gmail team so I was in no way able to find the date when I created my account, until I discovered this trick todaymrgreen
Its quite easy! Here is what you need to do
    1. Goto the settings page from your email box

    1. ection
    2. Now search for the line
      1. Status: POP is enabled for all mail that has arrived since ….
      as shown in the picture below
      Click to enlarge

Friday, February 04, 2011

Facebook keyboard shortcuts

Alt + 1 Return to Facebook Homepage
Alt + 2 To goto Wall tab of your profile page
Alt + 3 To view Friends Requests list drop down list
Alt + 4 To view latest Messages list in drop down list
Alt + 5  To view Notification list drop down list
Alt + 6 To goto Account setting webpage
Alt + 7 To goto Account privacy configuration webpage
Alt + 8 To open Facebook fan page at
Alt + 9 To open Facebook’s Statement of Rights & Responsibilities
Alt + 0  To open Facebook Help Center
Alt + m To create new message
Alt + ? For cursor control in the Search Box