Wednesday, September 22, 2010

Microsoft's Next IE: Ninth Time's the Charm?

Microsoft's Internet Explorer has had a lead in the Web browser battle for years, and that lead is still alive, but it's not well. IE has been losing some serious market share over the last few years, mostly because of young Turks like Firefox and Chrome. Not helping matters is the fact that the ancient IE6 browser is still tottering around like a sick old dog

GMail Priority Inbox ::Read important emails first

GMail Priority Inbox feature lets you read important emails first.
To help users separate this "bologna" from the important stuff. Priority Inbox help you to focus on the messages that matter without requiring you to set up complex rules

Thursday, September 09, 2010

Transcend Launches USB 3.0 ExpressCard Adapter

Transcend Information launched a two-port USB 3.0 ExpressCard Adapter, an easy-to-install add-in card that allows users to enhance their notebook with blazing fast USB 3.0 technology

Google Instant: Big changes for users, publishers, marketers

IDG News Service - Pursuing speed, Google now refreshes search results while people type queries, which could usher in major changes for end users, advertisers and publishers.
Announced on Wednesday, Google Instant presents and adjusts search results and their accompanying ads on the fly as users enter search terms in the search engine's box.